Status Codes

Explanation of status codes and available actions.

Insufficient History (Code: 511, Dashboard Status: No Transactions / Encompass Status: Insufficient Transaction History)
The Insufficient Transaction History status occurs when we can’t pull at least the amount of account history requested at order placement. In this case, at ...
Fri, 26 Jul, 2024 at 9:39 AM
Needs Update (Code: 509, Dashboard Status: Needs Update / Encompass Status: Credential Issue on Refresh)
The Needs Update status triggers when we are unable to access one or more of the borrower’s institutions due to 1) incorrect credentials or 2) the financial...
Thu, 17 Sep, 2020 at 3:39 PM
Communication Issue (Code: 5032, Dashboard Status: Alert / Encompass Status: Unable to Connect to FI)
The Communication Issue (Alert) status occurs when there is an issue connecting with one or more of the borrowers financial institutions to retrieve financi...
Wed, 23 Jan, 2019 at 12:01 PM
Harvest Failed / Harvest Unsuccessful (Code: 512, Dashboard Status: Harvest Failed / Encompass Status: Enrolled but Harvest Failed)
The Harvest Failed status occurs when there is a connection issue during report generation. This issue typically resolves itself within 24 hours, once the c...
Thu, 17 Sep, 2020 at 3:25 PM
Data Inaccessible (Code: 540, Dashboard Status: Data Inaccessible / Encompass Status: N/A)
The Data Inaccessible status is triggered if we detect the data from a financial institution, contains erroneous information. The recommended course of ...
Thu, 17 Sep, 2020 at 3:23 PM
Unable to Validate Credentials (Code: 5031, Dashboard Status: Alert / Encompass Status: Unable to Validate Credentials)
This error indicates your borrower has entered incorrect credentials for the selected financial institution. Please have the borrower confirm that the *cred...
Thu, 17 Sep, 2020 at 3:38 PM