
We can provide basic training materials on the SimpleNexus integration using both recorded videos and presentations provided by our partners at SimpleNexus. Unfortunately, we do not have access to a live instance of SimpleNexus that we can use for demos or training purposes. If you would like to see a live version of the integration, please contact [email protected] or your SimpleNexus rep. 


To turn on AccountChek in SimpleNexus for your company, you will need only one set of AccountChek credentials. All orders created through the SimpleNexus integration will be placed using this set of credentials and will therefore be tied to this single user, which we call the Default Verifier. Please see our article on Setting Up a Default Verifier for more information and best practices.

Note: If, for permissions or billing-related reasons, you would like orders to be assigned to sub-company level credentials (such as those at region and/or branch levels), please contact [email protected] or your SimpleNexus rep for assistance.

Lastly, you will also want to select company-wide defaults for days of history pulled on borrower accounts (Account History) and the account monitoring period (Refresh Period). Because SimpleNexus orders are created by borrower interaction, we do not allow the borrower to select the Account History and Refresh Period. Instead, we will default all incoming orders to your preselected options. If you do not select any defaults, all SimpleNexus orders will generate with 90 days of Account History and a variable Refresh Period outlined in your contract with AccountChek. We can change these defaults by email request ([email protected]), or you can have a Corporate Administrator make these changes by choosing Settings in the drop-down menu on the AccountChek dashboard.

Special Features

Multiple Routes of Access

There are two different methods for allowing the borrower to access AccountChek within SimpleNexus. First, borrowers can opt-in, to access AccountChek as an integral part of the SimpleNexus application process. Alternatively, the LO can invite the borrower to complete the asset verification process, after which, the borrower will receive a notification within the app and an email from AccountChek inviting them to verify their assets.

Account Management

SimpleNexus includes a built-in option that allows loan officers to refine the borrower's report by removing unneeded accounts before approval. Please contact [email protected] or your SimpleNexus rep to enable this feature for your organization.

Feature Summary

Manage accounts


Add accounts


Report refresh

Edit order details

Close order

Resend borrower email

Edit history period



To access our test system, you will need to configure the SimpleNexus integration to send orders to our staging environment ( via our API ( For assistance, please contact [email protected] or your SimpleNexus rep.


All orders generated via SimpleNexus will be tied to the default verifier, meaning you will not be able utilize the 'user' field to tie orders to the regions/branches that placed them. Additionally, the loan number field will not reflect your internally assigned loan number; it will instead reflect an identifier assigned by SimpleNexus. We recommend using fields containing borrower information, such as email, first name, and last name, to assign orders to branches for billing purposes. As noted above, if, for permissions or billing-related reasons, you would like orders to be assigned to sub-company level credentials (such as those at region and/or branch levels), please contact [email protected] or your SimpleNexus rep for assistance.

Order Management for Encompass® Users

If you are using Encompass®, SimpleNexus passes the completed report to the Encompass LOS as a file in the eFolder titled “FormFree_VOA.” It also populates the report ID/Reissue key into the correct fields in the FNMA Streamlined 1003 and Freddie Mac Additional Data forms. However, it does not import the order into the Order Management tab of the AccountChek integration. To allow for Order Management via the Encompass® integration, including refreshing the report, sending additional borrower invitations, and closing the order, see our article on Importing an Existing VOA Report to learn about the two-step import process. For more on AccountChek's Encompass® integration visit our Encompass® User Guide.