Reports can be downloaded via the Reports section of the Order Detail page by clicking Download VOA or Download VOD. This will download the report in PDF format, which you can then upload directly to your LOS.

To refresh the report, click the Generate Updated Reports button.


In the New Report window that opens, begin by selecting your desired period of Account History from the available options.

Optionally, provide the borrower's Employer Name. If provided, we will attempt to match the employer information with any direct deposits on the report. Any matches will be designated on the report.

All borrower-linked accounts will be displayed in the Accounts on Report section. Here, simply deselect any accounts you would like omitted from the new report and verify that all desired accounts are checked.

Finally, double check all the information and press the Create button to queue the generation of the new report.

The order page will now show Report Not Ready or Report In Progress. Generation can take a few minutes if the report is large or if there are many queued requests. You can refresh the Order Page after a few minutes to check availability. When the report is available, it will appear at the top of the Reports section. You can return here and refresh the report at any time while the order is still open.